This specialist group is involved in the National Vaccination Committee, and in the Vaccination Committee of the Supreme Sanitary Council, and works closely with the vaccination committees of other Austrian and foreign societies. It promotes interdisciplinary cooperation and training on vaccinations, vaccine reactions, and in infectious diseases, precisely in the pandemic.

Special emphasis is placed on vaccination recommendations for immunodeficient and immunosuppressed individuals, premature and newborn infants, seniors, autoimmune diseases and allergies.
In the context of the CoV19 pandemic, interdisciplinary cooperation with the allergologists of the ÖGAI became increasingly important. Participation in the National Vaccination Committee makes it possible to set the course for recommendations to the Austrian population on COVID vaccination in all situations of life, and to adapt these recommendations to new requirements on an ongoing basis.
President of the Austrian Society of Vaccinology
Inst. f. Spez. Prophylaxis and tropical medicine
Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology – Medical University of Vienna
Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1090 Vienna